Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011

What is The True Story Behind Vampires?

Vampire. The word conjures up images of suave, handsome, or strikingly beautiful creatures, such as is depicted in Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles. Those of you who are fans of her books are quite familiar with the arrogant and sexy Lestat.

One of the most famous vampires of all time is, of course, Count Dracula. The brain child of Bram Stoker who based his immortal monster on a Hungarian ruler know as Vlad Tepes, also know as Vlad Dracul-a, which when translated means "son of the dragon", a nicknamed that was well earned, for the count was a blood thirsty and ruthless ruler.
He was also known as Vlad the Impaler due to his habit of impaling people on very sharp stakes and letting them suffer until they died a horrible and extremely painful death. The legends of vampires were around long before Stoker wrote his book.
From very early times there have been reports and tales of vampires, or vampyr, which means, when roughly translated, "blood drinker". In nature there are all kinds of vampires. Mosquitoes, tick, fleas, bedbugs, and a species of bat that drinks blood, named most aptly the vampire bat.
But, what about the vampires of legend? Do they exist? There are some well documented accounts that indicate they do.
There was the case of Arnold Paole. It was reported that Arnold was bitten by a vampire while he was serving as a soldier in his country's army. When he returned home from service he became a farmer. One day while cutting hay Paole had an accident which killed him. A few days later, people started dying from loss of blood. The people started saying there was a vampire in their midst.
There were several eye-witness reports that said they had seen Arnold walking around after his death. His eye were glassy and his teeth had grown long and sharp. The locals went to dig up Paole's body, and when the had unearthed the corpse, there was no decay and there was fresh blood on the lips and a bloom of color in the cheeks. Arnold looked as fresh as the day he had died. The locals pounded a stake through the vampire's heart and heard the vampire screech in agony. Then they cut off the head and burned the body. The deaths stopped.
The phenomena we call vampires has existed across the world in a variety of cultures for a millennia. They have appeared in many shapes, but they always have the same connection - Blood. They are practically the definition of fear, an evil entity crawling into your house, at night, to feed on you as you sleep.

The concept of the vampire started in Mesopotamia though in it's early forms it was attributed to demons before revenants. The mythology has evolved for thousands of years and continues today.

This article will delve into that evolution throughout the world and history. The purpose of this article is to get a glimpse at how diverse the global mythology and history of vampires is. It will get into the different and strange incarnations from all over the world then get into how the concept of vampires has affected our world today. In an attempt to fain order, this will be cut into categories.
"Vampirism is one of the most demonic outbreaks of mass hysteria ever to sweep the world. It's origins are rooted at the beginning of time and almost all of them are founded on superstition." - Anthony Masters

The Dangers of Romanticizing Vampires

It is common knowledge that every generation will have its cultures, trying to find ways to fit in… and subcultures for those who know they never will.
The popularity and romanticizing of recent books and movies has brought one subculture in particular back to the forefront… the attraction to vampires.
This in no way is meant to offend or condemn the societies of Sanguinarian vampires (those who drink blood) or Psychic vampires (who feed off energy) that exist in groups that remain, for the most part, private. However, there is an alarming trend of young people biting each other that is in no way supported by any of these groups… a trend that poses serious health risks.

Vampire Fantasies and Biting

It has recently come to the attention of several media outlets that many of the younger fans of the vampire lifestyle have resorted to bringing their fantasies to life by biting whoever they happen to be with at the time
This biting is often done with the intention of breaking the skin and drawing blood. It’s a way for couples to proclaim their “territory”, however it is not exclusive to romantic attachments. In many cases, friends are biting friends… and the more bites someone has, the more people they “belong” to.
This fantasy in and of itself is disturbing… however even more dangerous is the diseases that can be spread from breaking the skin with a human bite.
Our mouths are loaded with bacteria under the best of circumstances, and this bacteria can easily be transmitted into the bloodstream through a bite. It goes beyond “daring to be different”… and it can cause permanent damage.

Human Bites and Infections

According to medical reports, human bites become infected around 10 or 15% of the time, and the infections incurred can be serious…and yes, fatal. The biting that is done goes beyond the average “hickey” and breaks the skin, thus increasing the chance of blood-borne infections and even viruses such as Hepatitis B and more rarely, HIV. Infections such asStaphylococcus aureus and E corrodens are very common with human bites.
Many of these infections can be cured with antibiotics, however there are more resiliant strains that exist now, possibly because of the over-use of those antibiotics. Many staph infections now are methicillin resistant (classified as MRSA) and must be aggressively treated as soon as possible. The infection starts out as a small bump or boil…and grows, destroying skin and muscle tissue with it. Worst case scenarios involve amputation or removal of the limb affected… worse still is death. People die from untreated staph infections, and because of the resiliance, they are still the number one concern in hospitals and other medical care facilities.

If You Have Been Bitten

If you have been bitten and redness or pus is present, see a doctor immediately. As far as home treatment…it cannot be stressed enough that home treatment in this case can be very dangerous. If you can’t get to the doctor right away, wash the wound in soap and water and keep it clean and dry. Don’t use peroxide or betadine unless it has been diluted with water. These antiseptics can also eat away at the skin and tissue when used full strength. Antibiotic ointments can be helpful, but they are NOT meant to be used as a cure.
There is a quite obvious concern for the disease and infection that can happen when people bite each other. It can be argued that this is not a lot different from getting hickeys or love marks from sucking on a persons skin. That in and of itself has never been the healthiest of practices… however there is a much bigger risk in actually biting down. Whether the intent is to break the skin or not…it can and does happen.
The mindset that it is somehow validating to have many of these bites or that couples who bite each other have an all-consuming passionate love that will endure is equally disconcerting. In the confusing time of youth, one is trying to find their own individuality, and yet urgently needing to belong. The vampire subculture can seem very attractive to someone who is in this state of flux… but the fact is, many of the practices done by people acting out this role are not only dangerous, it is giving a very distorted message of love and what it means to be close to someone.

Vampire Shock Value and Non Conformity

Shock value tactics have been practiced for years from people wanting to scream their non-conformity. In the late seventies and early eighties it was putting safety pins and metal objects through the skin to emulate the punk scene.
Then it was the mosh pit scene of people dancing in mobs, pushing and shoving each other to the point of physical injury. These types of activities have the effect of showing to the world “badges of courage”.
As time goes on, the methods of voluntarily injuring oneself have continued to evolve and get more dangerous… and the need to be an individual and still belong remains.
Hollywood has done a very good job of romanticizing the vampire subculture. Its inaccuracies and dramatic licenses have had a strong effect on how the reality of it is perceived. The reality is, if vampires do exist, they are not biting their friends and partners on Youtube for the world to see. They are not advocating that anyone else do so. These public displays are doing nothing but continuing misconceptions and giving another avenue for diseases to spread… period.

The Psychic Vampire Codex

The Psychic Vampire Codex is the first book to examine the phenomenon and experience of modern vampirism completely from the vampire's perspective.

Psychic vampires are people who prey on the vital, human life energies of others. They are not believed to be undead. They are mortal people whose need for energy metaphorically connects them to the life-stealing predators of vampire myth.

In The Psychic Vampire Codex, Michelle Belanger, author and psychic vampire, introduces readers to the fascinating system of energy work used by vampires themselves and provides the actual codex text widely used by the vampire community for instruction in feeding and other techniques. Belanger also examines the ethics of vampirism and offers readers methods of protection from vampires.

The Psychic Vampire Codex explodes all preconceptions and myths about who and what psychic vampires really are and reveals a vital and profound spiritual tradition based on balance, rebirth, and an integral relationship with the spirit world.
Vampyre Sanguinomicon: The Lexicon of the Living VampireVampyre Sanguinomicon: The Lexicon of the Living Vampire
Amazon Price: $15.21
List Price: $24.95

The Vampyre Sanguinomicon

Since the dawn of civilization the vampire has danced through the dreams and nightmares of every culture, expressed in folklore, literature, and art.

Today, this fascination resonates in pop-culture, through hit television shows and movies and bestselling books. But what does it mean to be a vampire, a living and modern vampire? What many do not realize is that the Living Vampire is on a serious, lifelong spiritual path.

Best known as Strigoi Vii, the Living Vampire is one who has embarked on a serious and lifelong spiritual path. Not just "kids in capes," the members of this magickal community seek to live in glamour and ritual every day.

The Vampyre Sanguinomicon provides a profound perspective on the Vampyre culture, traditions, movement and philosophies, which are intended to challenge and inspire your views. Chapters include Vampyre Ritual, Vampyre Sensuality, Beginning Vampyrism, and The Vampyre Wedding.

Comments I have Received on this Article:

Ariana -Thats is very interesting information. The thought of someone biting me or me biting someone makes me sick. To me that is just ignorant what people (most likely teenagers) do to each other! But anyway that is quite a read.
Shilo - Whoa…Don’t diss the teens man. I think this is only in a certain area because not a single person I know (I know a lot of people, meet new ones every day ;D) has been bitten or biting other humans…or animals…they get bitten by animals though…sooo this is nice information to know though and if some how one of my buddies gets this odd fetish I’ll let them in on the info. Thanks!
Vampire Truth or Myth - Shilo – this is NOT about “dissing” anybody. It is a serious warning and message and although it may not be a popular thing in your area, or at least one that you are not aware of, it doesn’t mean that it does not happen.
Devante Evans - vampir truth admin why would you say that hvave anything like this ever happen to you
Vampire Truth or Myth - No, I have not but why would a person need to experience it before they could know this is true and has happened to many other people? The “message” on this page is for those people out there who may face a situation like this (AND there are many many of them out there).
Aquamarine - I agree. It’s like saying that suicide doesn’t exist because you’ve never seen it happen in your town. The same way with this. It’s not a diss. It’s a warning to people who this might affect

Do Vampires Exist?

A seemingly innocent question that once confounded an array of people, resulting in much controversy and dispute, yet now in contemporary times, this question is considered by the vast majority to be ludicrous and nonsensical; no more then mere ineffable trash, with evidence being non-existent, however this has never been the case.
Do Vampires Exist?
A seemingly innocent question that once confounded an array of people, resulting in much controversy and dispute, yet now in contemporary times, this question is considered by the vast majority to be ludicrous and nonsensical; no more then mere ineffable trash, with evidence being non-existent, however this has never been the case.
Evidence supporting the existence of vampires has always existed in our society, since the spawning of these creatures. They have simply been well-hidden from the public as have many things… (aliens/UFOs and werewolves)
One obvious piece of evidence would be the fact that there are descriptions of vampires from an array of existing and pre-existing cultures across the world. Drawings and written descriptions of human-like creatures that would draw blood from their victims, with uncanny strength, speed, elongated fangs, varying skin pigmentation, aversion to sunlight and allergic to garlic. The underlying, rudimentary characteristics as described above all correlate and remain consistent amongst different cultures. There are descriptions of vampires extending across the globe from places such as Africa to India to China.
The existence of vampires in an array of cultures is an obvious indication that there is something similar if not identical to the creatures described in our world.
Eye testaments are few and limited to hundreds and seldom thousands each year overall with encounters described also having strong correlations with one and another. Overall, the evidence supporting the existence of vampires is sparse, yet effectively strong. Eye testaments still dwell within the hundreds and even if a strong percentage of these encounters are the result of hoaxes, conjectures of the mind, etc… the remaining portion accumulated by time, is still substantial itself. The existence of vampires in cultures also suggest that they were (if not are) abundant and thriving.
Anyway, if we are to accept the existence of vampires, then there are a set of explanations suggesting why they are seldom seen, however before we can acknowledge these we need to first accept the different species or types of vampires and their characteristics:
(The following set of explanations have been intentionally adjusted to be brief, succinct and concise and were derived from authentic sources.)
1. True vampires: These were the vampires that were first, supposedly spawned from the ruins of hells by Lucifer himself, sent forth to bestow evil and suffering on the earth. They were strong once, but god punished them and caused them to suffer, making them sensitive to light and garlic, as well as diminishing their strength and longevity. These vampires are the true ones, whose blood hasn’t been tainted with the human gene and are pure. There are few of them left in our modern society and most of them are in stasis (long periods of hibernation extending from years to centuries). They have differing skin pigmentation to us and have retractable, elongated teeth, aversion to the sun and are sensitive to garlic. They also may have pointed ears and slant eyes.
2. Modern vampires: These vampires are a hybrid amalgamation of vampires and humans, sharing varying characteristics as a consequence of the different gene ratios. In most modern vampires, the vampire gene is weak, having been tainted by the human genes and compared to a true vampire, they are almost nothing. The most common characteristics include: retractable elongated teeth, slight aversion to light and possibly an aversion to garlic. They are almost indistinguishable from humans. There are different species of the common modern vampire.
3. Psychic vampires: These vampires drain energy rather then blood and are homo sapiens biologically speaking.
4. Sanguinarians: Humans who simply drink blood…
Vampires reproduce in the same means as we do, and fawn offspring with shared DNA through the union of male and female parts, however they were also able to fawn offspring through biting them, however these offspring didn’t share common DNA with the vampire that bit them. The transferal of the vampiric virus was a technique that became abandoned as the number of true vampires dwindled. The vampiric virus still exists in true vampires (but they are undergoing stasis) and would have undergone mutations, making it weaker, whilst remaining in the host. (The strength of true vampires has dwindled dramatically)
The stereotype notions surrounding the vampires were once authentic yet can’t be appropriately applied to vampires today (mainly modern), i.e. driving a wooden stake through their heart was a biblical technique introduced by a priest whom received a message from god, when his monastery was being attacked at night and his brothers slaughtered by vampires, that the wooden stake would drive their souls back to hell.
There are various sub-species of modern vampires (Homo Wampyrus) too, i.e. Homo Wampyrus Draco.
Anyway, now that the general background information on vampires has been covered, a list of reasons why these vampires aren’t frequently seen in public will subsequently follow:
1. True vampires aren’t seen because they are all enduring stasis and are hidden in dark places where sunlight can’t penetrate or is at an effective minimal.
2. Modern vampires are virtually indistinguishable physically from humans.
3. Vampire attacks are infrequent because most vampires obtain blood through friends or from donors. Government agencies, supposedly support, them too by providing sustenance.
4. Most vampire sightings are from professionally trained vampire hunters (often working in distinction to governments, thereby maintaining effective secrecy). They are also experts at readily distinguishing vampires from humans.
5. MOST VAMPIRES DON’T EVEN KNOW IF THEY ARE VAMPIRES! (The aversion to sun is natural and coincides with many diseases and the craving for blood may be seen as a mental disorder, whilst the agility and grace and any other athletic traits may be considered natural. Modern vampires, may not even possess athletic qualities, depending upon the strength of the vampiric gene residing in them)
In general, vampires do exist and have always existed. Historical records of vampires are present and sightings/encounters do exist, but biological variations may not necessarily be picked up due to the technology we have present being inferior to what is required. The overall view of vampires being strange, eccentric creatures is fallacious. They can simply be viewed as people with different needs and functions to us. (the terms true vampires and modern vampires are often used interchangeably due to the lack of true vampires present)
Here are some pages about the Vampire:

Vampire Culture

More Info clik here ..

Sincerely , Stella

Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

Kematian CHARLES DARWIN akhirnya terkuak

Kematian Charles Darwin yang dikenal lewat karya agungnya "The Origin of Species" sebagai dasar teori Evolusi telah lama menjadi misteri. Dalam sebuah paparan di acara Historical Clinicopathological Conference, 6 Mei 2011, misteri kematian Darwin tersebut akhirnya terkuak.
Sidney Cohen, direktur riset di Jefferson Medical College di Philladelphia memaparkan hasil analisisnya tentang kematian Darwin. Ia mengatakan bahwa Darwin menderita penyakit Chagas, infeksi Heliobacter pylori dan cyclic vomiting syndrome.

Menurut Cohen, Darwin mulai menderita penyakit Chagas dan infeksi parasit ketika digigit serangga yang mengandung parasit endemik Argentina dalam perjalanannya. Saat ini, penyakit tersebut bisa diobati dengan Benznidazole dan Nifurtimox.

Sementara, penyebab vomiting syndrom atau muntah-muntah belum bisa diuraikan. Kemungkinan sindrom itu berkaitan dengan stres dan akan hilang bila penyakit lain terobati. Dalam saat terparah penyakitnya, diketahui Darwin memuntahkan semua makanan, terutama setelah sarapan.

Darwin diketahui melakukan perjalanan ke Amerika Selatan dan Afrika, melewati Pasifik dan Kepulauan Galapagos selama 5 tahun. Dalam perjalanannya, Darwin mengalami gigitan serangga yang mengandung parasit endemik Argentina.

Meskipun diduga bahwa Darwin mengalami penyakit jantung, namun gigitan serangga yang memacu timbulnya penyakit lain itulah yang dikatakan penyebab utama kematian Darwin. Penyakit jantung sendiri diperkirakan dipacu oleh Chagas yang diderita.

Meninggalnya Darwin sebenarnya adalah sebuah ironi, sebab ia merupakan anak dan cucu seorang ahli medis. Lebih dari 2 lusin diagnosis, termasuk Skizophrenia dijatuhkan dan ragam obat diberikan, tapi tak berhasil. Para dokter bingung dengan gejala yang dialami darwin.

Cohen menyatakan, penelitian yang dilakukannya menambah kekagumannya pada Darwin. "Sulit untuk mengetahui bagaimana penyakit mempengaruhi karyanya. Tapi produktivitasnya tak pernah berkurang," katanya seperti dikutip AP.

Untuk menyimpulkan penyakit yang diderita Darwin, Cohen tak menggunakan sinar-X atau analisis darah apapun, sebab ia memang tak memilikinya. Cohen hanya menganalisa sekian gejala penyakit yang dialami Darwin.

Dalam 8 tahun , Seorang Cowok ganteng berubah menjadi BENCONG


23 Kematian Aneh yang pernah Tercatat

1. Meninggal karena berniat menggapai bayangan bulan di air
Penyair Cina Li Po (abad VII-VIII Masehi) merupakan penyair terkenal yang gemar mabuk-mabukan. Suatu saat ia sedang mabuk waktu naik perahu melewati sungai Yangtze. Ia melihat bayangan bulan di air. Karena mabuk, ia berusaha menggapai bayangan itu untuk memeluknya, namun gagal. Alhasil ia jatuh ke air dan tenggelam.

2. Meninggal karena janggut
Hans Steininger merupakan orang Austria yang terkenal karena janggutnya yang terpanjang di dunia. Panjangnya sekitar 140 cm. Pada suatu hari di tahun 1567, terjadi kebakaran yang mengharuskan semua orang lari. Beliau lupa mengikat janggutnya yang panjang. Karena terburu-buru, ia menginjak janggutnya sendiri dan terjatuh. Lehernya patah dan ia pun tewas seketika.

3.Meninggal karena menahan buang air kecil
Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) adalah seorang ahli astronomi. Pada tahun 1601, ia sedang menghadiri jamuan makan besar yang sangat lama, di Praha (sekarang Ceko). Adat pada masa itu meyakini bahwa kabur di tengah jamuan makan, termasuk untuk buang air, adalah sangat tidak sopan. Akibatnya beliau terpaksa menahan buang air kecil selama jamuan. Kandung kemihnya melebar sampai ambang batas, dan terjadilah infeksi (sistitis) yang fatal. Beliau meninggal 11 hari kemudian.

4.Meninggal karena tongkat konduktor
Jean Baptiste Lully merupakan konduktor yang memimpin orkestra pada perayaan kesembuhan Louis XIV dari sakitnya pada tahun 1687. Karena terlalu bersemangat, ia menjatuhkan tongkat konduktor tepat pada ibu jari kakinya. Terjadi abses (infeksi dengan nanah) dan diikuti gangren (pembusukan). Lully menolak amputasi, dan akhirnya ia pun tewas karena infeksi yang menyebar ke seluruh tubuh.

5.Meninggal karena lidah tergigit
Allan Pinkerton (1819-1884) adalah seorang agen detektif yang terkenal dengan Pinkerton detective agency-nya. Suatu hari ia sedang berjalan di trotoar. Ia terpeleset. Tidak sengaja lidahnya tergigit, dan terjadilah infeksi yang kemudian membunuhnya.

6.Meninggal karena menendang peti
Mirip dengan Lully, tapi ini terjadi di awal abad 20 pada Jack Daniel, seorang pengusaha whiskey terkenal dari Tennessee, Amerika Serikat. Pada suatu subuh ia ingin membuka salah satu peti, namun ia lupa nomor kombinasinya. Ia mengamuk dan menendang peti tersebut. Salah satu jarinya terluka, meradang (infeksi), dan akhirnya menewaskannya.

7.Meninggal karena kulit jeruk
Bobby Leach (1858-1926) adalah seorang stunter. Ia juga orang kedua di dunia yang berhasil menaklukkan air terjun Niagara dengan barrel-nya. Ia meninggal tahun 1926, dua bulan setelah tungkainya diamputasi. Mengapa? Ternyata ia terpeleset akibat menginjak kulit jeruk di jalanan, di Selandia Baru. Tungkainya patah dan terjadi infeksi berat. Saat itu belum ada antibiotik….

8.Meninggal karena parasut gagal mengembang
Pada tahun 1912 Franz Reichelt mengklaim dirinya berhasil mengembangkan jaket berparasut. Suatu penemuan baru. Ia ingin mencobanya dengan melompat dari puncak menara Eiffel. Sebelumnya ia berencana memakai boneka, namun akhirnya tidak jadi. Ia memutuskan menjajal sendiri jaket tersebut. Ternyata, seperti yang dikhawatirkan banyak orang, jaket itu tak berfungsi dan ia pun tewas seketika.

9.Meninggal setelah diracun, ditembak 4 kali, dipukul, dan akhirnya tenggelam
Grigori Rasputin (1869-1916) mula-mula diracun dengan sianida. Dosisnya setara untuk menewaskan 10 orang. Tapi karena diketahui kemudian bahwa sianidanya sudah rusak oleh pemanasan makanan, ia tidak mati. Lalu ia ditembak dari belakang oleh Felix Yusupov dan teman-temannya. Ia tidak mati juga. Ia ditembak lagi 3 kali, tapi tidak mati juga. Akhirnya Rasputih dipukul dengan tongkat dan akhirnya ditenggelamkan ke Sungai Neva yang dingin. Dari hasil autopsi, sebab kematian sebenarnya adalah tenggelam.

10.Meninggal karena bola bisbol
Ray Chapman (1891-1920) dikenal sebagai satu-satunya pemain yang tewas dalam pertandingan bisbol. Ia tewas karena kepalanya kena lemparan bola dari Carl Mays. Pada saat itu, bola bisbol selalu dilumuri tanah oleh pelempar bola sebelum dilemparkan, untuk mempersulit lawan melihat bolanya.

11. Meninggal karena selendang
Isadora Duncan (1877-1927) dikenal sebagai tokoh tarian modern. Ia gemar mengenakan selendang pada saat bepergian. Pada September 1927, ia sedang naik mobil, dengan jendela terbuka (!) dan mobil bergerak dalam kecepatan tinggi. Saat itu ia memakai selendang yang berukuran besar. Karena selendangnya “terbang” sampai ke ban mobil, ia tercekik seketika dari jendela mobil.

12. Meninggal saat membicarakan Hitler
Pada tahun 1943, seorang kritikus nazisme dan fasisme bernama Alexander Woolcott meninggal setelah mengalami serangan jantung saat tengah membicarakan Adolf Hitler.

13. Meninggal di panggung konser
Leslie Harvey, gitaris Stone the Crows, meninggal pada tahun 1972 karena tersengat listrik dari mikrofon yang ia gunakan di panggung konser.

14. Meninggal saat siaran TV
Christine Chubbuck (1944-1974) merupakan satu-satunya reporter televisi yang meninggal di tengah siaran langsung televisi. Ia menembak kepalanya sendiri pada siaran Suncoast Digest (WXLT-TV) tanggal 15 Juli 1974 dengan revolver 38 mm. Chubbuck sebelumnya memang sudah bermasalah dengan depresi yang berlarut-larut.

15. Meninggal karena “dibunuh robot
Robert Williams sedang berusaha mengambil suatu barang di rak penyimpanan Ford Motor’s Flat Rock karena robot sedang tidak berfungsi. Tiba-tiba robot bergerak dan lengan robot tersebut membentur kepala Williams. Ia tewas seketika pada 25 Januari 1979. Hanya 2 tahun berselang, kecelakaan serupa terjadi di Jepang. Kenji Urada gagal mematikan robot yang akhirnya secara tidak sengaja mendorong tubuhnya ke dalam mesin giling (!).

16. Meninggal karena terpenggal helikopter
Victor Morrow (1929-1982) dan 2 orang aktor anak yang bersamanya tewas karena terpenggal baling-baling helikopter saat sedang syuting untuk film Twilight Zone, pada tahun 1982. Kasus ini mendorong pemerintah Amerika Serikat merevisi undang-undang perlindungan tenaga kerja anak dan peraturan keamanan serta jaminan keselamatan di lokasi syuting.

17. Meninggal karena kaktus
Masih tahun 1982, David Grundman dan seorang temannya sedang pergi berburu kaktus. Mereka bertemu sebuah kaktus besar. Kaktus ini adalah kaktus Saguaro setinggi hampir 8 meter yang berumur kira-kira 100 tahun. Di depannya ada sebuah kaktus kecil. Mereka menembaki kaktus kecil dulu, berhasil. Sekarang giliran yang besar. Tapi yang terjadi, malah kaktus raksasa tadi tertembak sampai bolong, dan akhirnya jatuh menimpa Grundman. Ia meninggal seketika. Benar-benar balas dendam oleh kaktus!

18. Meninggal karena tutup botol
Tennessee Williams (1911-1983), penulis drama Amerika Serikat, tewas karena tercekik tutup botol yang tertelan saat ia mabuk di sebuah hotel di New York. Hal ini diduga berkaitan dengan kebiasaannya menaruh tutup botol di kedua mata dan mulutnya saat sedang minum-minum.

19. Meninggal saat melawak
Dick Shawn (1924-1987) sedang melawak tentang kampanye politik di Amerika Serikat. Setelah mengatakan “I will not lay down on the job!” (Saya tidak akan meletakkan jabatan!), ia langsung terbaring di lantai. Penonton mengira itu adalah bagian dari lelucon. Tapi karena ia tak bangun-bangun lagi, beberapa petugas panggung pun memeriksanya dan melakukan bantuan napas darurat. Tidak lama kemudian ia pun meninggal.

20. Meninggal saat “rekonstruksi”
Pada tahun 1991, seorang wanita Thailand berusia 57 tahun bernama Yooket Paen, terpeleset kotoran sapi sedang berjalan di kebunnya. Setelah itu ia terpegang sebuah kabel telanjang (tanpa bungkus), dan tersengat listrik sampai meninggal. Setelah pemakamannya, adik Paen datang ke kebun tersebut. Ia juga terpeleset kotoran sapi yang sama, terpegang kabel yang sama, dan meninggal juga.

21. Meninggal karena domba
Pada tahun 1999, Betty Stobbs sedang memberi makan domba-dombanya dengan sepeda motor. Makanan untuk para domba tersebut terletak di bak belakang sepeda motornya. Saat itu, domba-domba tersebut rupanya sedang kelaparan. Mereka pun menyerbu bak belakang tersebut, sampai-sampai Stobbs terlempar ke jurang sedalam 30 meter. Ia belum meninggal karena “lemparan” ini. Namun ke mana sepeda motornya? Ternyata ada tepat di belakangnya, dan ia pun tewas tertimpa sepeda motornya sendiri.

22. Meninggal karena rak buku
November 2006, Mariesa Weber (38 tahun) diduga hilang. Sudah 2 minggu ia tidak ditemukan keluarganya (padahal ia tewas di rumah sendiri!). Namun akhirnya ia ditemukan berada di bawah tumpukan rak buku yang jatuh. Tampaknya ia sedang berusaha mencolok kabel televisi ke colokan listrik, yang hanya bisa dicapai dengan berdiri di atas meja tulis di sebelah rak buku. Namun celakanya ia jatuh dengan kepala lebih dulu, dan rak bukunya ikut jatuh menimpa Weber.

23. Meninggal karena game online
Pada tahun 2005, Lee, seorang Korea Selatan berusia 28 tahun, tewas setelah 50 jam nonstop bermain Starcraft di sebuah warnet di Daegu. Starcraft adalah game online.


9 Ikan Air Tawar yang ANEH

Masih banyak hewan - hewan unik dan misterius yang belum ditemukan, mengingat masih banyak tempat - tempat yang belum terjamah oleh manusia. Beberapa waktu yang lalu, kita telah menyaksikan makhluk - makhluk laut dengan berbagai bentuk yang aneh dan unik, nah dalam postingan kali ini, saya akan mengajak para pembaca untuk mengenal makhluk - makhluk aneh dari sungai. Mungkinkah penampakan - penampakan makhluk cryptid sungai sebenarnya adalah penampakan dari makhluk ini?

Layaknya lautan, sungai juga merupakan tempat bagi ribuan jenis hewan air tawar. Tidak hanya ikan, di sungai pun ditemukan berbagai jenis makhluk dengan bentuk cukup aneh dan belum pernah kita lihat sebelumnya.

1. Goliath Tigerfish

Mendengar namanya saja, kita sudah tahu jika makhluk ini bukan makhluk sembarangan. Dengan panjang mencapai 1,5 meter lebih dan gigi yang tajam, tentu banyak orang yang takut dengan tampang seram ikan ini. Goliath Tigerfish merupakan varian terbesar dalam keluarga Tigerfish, dan merupakan predator yang hebat. Ikan ini terkenal akan kekuatan dan kecepatannya.

2. Vampire Piranha

Piranha Vampir merupakan kerabat dekat dari ikan piranha yang terkenal dari sungai Amazon. Ikan ini dinamakan vampir piranha karena gigi taringnya yang dapat mencapai 6 inci. Ikan piranha yang jarang diketahui ini hidup di sungai Orinoco, Venezuela.

3. African Lungfish

Makhluk sungai yang cukup aneh menurut saya. Bagi orang yang belum pernah melihatnya, pasti akan mengira makhluk ini sebagai monster karena bentuknya yang menyeramkan. Namun, meskipun bentuknya mengerikan, hewan ini sama sekali tidak berbahaya. Ikan ini beradaptasi dengan lingkungannya yang kurang oksigen, sehingga membuat ikan ini jarang terlihat oleh manusia.

4. Mekong Giant Catfish

Pasti sebagian besar pembaca sudah mengetahui ikan yang satu ini. Ikan yang hampir mirip dengan hiu paus ini merupakan ikan air tawar terbesar yang pernah ditemukan dan berasal dari China. Ukurannya sendiri lebih mendekati paus ketimbang ikan air tawar pada umumnya.

5. Bagarius Yarelli

Dikenal juga sebagai "Yeti dari sungai" atau Ikan lele pemakan daging, ikan ini mempunyai gigi - gigi tajam dengan panjang mencapai 1 inci. Bahkan, ikan yang habitatnya tersebar di beberapa negara di Asia ini dikatakan suka memakan daging manusia, walaupun masih sebatas rumor.

6. Alligator Gar

Makhluk sungai yang satu ini tampak seperti perpaduan antara alligator dengan ikan. Hewan yang hidup di Amerika Utara ini jarang berburu mangsa, namun menunggu mangsa yang lewat di depan mulutnya, kemudian ia menerkamnya dengan kecepatan yang luar biasa.

7. Pirarucu

Sekilas Pirarucu mirip sekali dengan ikan arwana yang terkenal di Indonesia, ikan ini pun memiliki kesamaan dengan ikan arwana, yaitu sama - sama suka melompat ke udara untuk berburu maupun mengambil udara. Ikan ini sejatinya tidak berbahaya, namun jika merasa terancam, ia akan menggunakan kepalanya untuk senjata pertahanan diri.

8. Chinese Paddle Fish

Ikan yang berasal dari China ini memang unik. Banyak orang yang mengatakan jika ikan yang berasal dari China ini adalah ikan dengan wajah terburuk di dunia. Meskipun mendapat julukan sebagai Raja Sungai Yangtze, namun ikan ini diduga telah punah.

9. Piraiba Catfish

Ikan yang panjangnya bisa mencapai 3 meter dengan berat 272 kg ini membuat takut sebagian besar pemancing. Ikan ini terkenal akan kekuatannya, bahkan ikan ini dikatakan mampu membuat seorang manusia tenggelam karena kekuatannya. Banyak rumor yang beredar jika penyebab pemancing - pemancing yang hilang ketika memancing di sungai adalah karena diseret oleh ikan ini kedalam sungai hingga tenggelam.

Well, ternyata sungai pun tidak kalah dengan lautan, banyak makhluk - makhluk unik hidup disini. Walaupun bentuk - fisik mereka terbilang unik dan aneh, namun tidak bisa dipungkiri lagi jika bumi masih menyimpan banyak potensi yang belum ditemukan olah manusia.